October 1, 2021

Elements of Effective Change Management

New technology solutions can be intimidating, especially when those new tools could have a big impact on how people perform their day-to-day operations. So, it’s important to put your best foot forward when implementing new technology to produce positive outcomes and lessen resistance.  

How do you strategically approach organizational change while maintaining productivity? The answer is simple – a strong change management strategy. Luckily, a thoughtful change management strategy doesn’t need to be complicated. The goal is to build the foundation for how your team will adapt to change while providing your team the opportunity to proactively prepare for the new changes. 

Understanding the Why

Understanding the ”why” behind the change, and the expected gains from it, makes it possible for everyone to understand the value of disrupting their current processes or workflows to incorporate new tools and/or methods.

To communicate why the change is valuable (or imperative), focus on a few clearly defined goals and objectives, expected gains from the change, and current challenges you expect to be resolved. Highlight how the new tool or features could quickly improve your team’s daily working environment and request feedback on current processes that are working well and are important to continue using.

Routinely circle back to how “the why” will greatly benefit everyone.

Manage Expectations Through Transparency

Once you have established the “why” driving your project’s objectives, the next step is to clearly communicate the goals, the benefits, and the expected positive impacts on individuals.

It’s important to not just communicate specific objectives, but also the specific problems that are being resolved, expected benefits gained from new tech, and even previous attempts to address problems or improve day-to-day experiences that have failed. The key is to manage expectations, address concerns, and listen to any uncertainty by engaging people with the process and proposed change(s).

Some methods you can use to create enthusiasm through transparency are to routinely communicate the timing of upcoming “shifts” and encourage internal discussions to foster individual and team feedback on the proposed technology. Bringing your team members into the process and involving them in the decision-making will not only increase overall buy-in, but will also ensure that you are prioritizing initiatives that directly impact their daily processes, preferred workflows, and routine tasks.

Partner with Technology and Implementation Experts

Partner with an expert to design and implement solutions that lead to higher performance, but also to act as your change management champion. The right implementation partner will not only work to design and implement the best technology solution for your needs, but will also create enthusiasm for it.

The right partner will act as a leader and key influencer to support your efforts to create excitement, compliance, and adoption of new technology – while understanding the benefits and consequences of any proposed changes. They should happily take on the task of keeping team members invested and involved in the overall process.

Thoughtful Change Strategy is the Answer

We know it’s not an easy decision (or undertaking) to deploy and commit to new processes, but the commitment to a thoughtful change management strategy is the more impactful way to create an overall positive experience and ensure your team’s ability to successfully adapt, embrace, and thrive during the transition to using the new technology.

Ready to get started planning your next project? Affinity Consulting can act as your partner to help you accomplish your project objectives while helping your team adapt quickly to their new technology solutions. Contact the change management experts at Affinity by requesting a consultation or by calling 877-676-5492.