Heading out of the office and need to bring along a few key documents? Take advantage of applications you may already be using, like DropBox or OneDrive, to bring documents out of the office with you for review or continued editing. Access materials you have chosen from Worldox with any device, from any location, where you use OneDrive or DropBox.
Using the Right-Click Menus:
Choose one or multiple documents from a list within a matter, then right-click and use the Send To Option.
Your Worldox administrator can ensure a Send To command and the appropriate security settings are in place to allow you to select documents and place them in your OneDrive Briefcase folder, or use the right-click menu option Copy to DropBox. If Worldox detects you have installed and signed into OneDrive or DropBox on your workstation, you’ll see these additions in your right-click menus.
Using Copy to DropBox:
DropBox places a copy in your DropBox folder with a subfolder structure that identifies your client and matter for easy reference.
If you should edit the document while out of the office, on your return, synchronize your DropBox folder and save the document as a new version of your original, or replace the copy available to your colleagues through Worldox. You can confirm DropBox has synced any changes you made to your document by checking the icon displayed next to the file name. A green check mark denotes this item has fully synced and is the same across all devices where you are logged in to DropBox. A blue arrow icon denotes the item is in the process of updating changes from your other devices. You’ll need to delay saving this item to Worldox until your copy has fully updated.
Using Send to OneDrive:
Using the Send to OneDrive option copies the document(s) to your OneDrive Worldox Briefcase folder and performs an additional benefit that Dropbox does not do. It actually checks the documents out to you. Your colleagues can open read only copies in your absence, save their own versions, and have information about who checked the document out and on what date.
Upon Your Return:
Upon your return to the office, check your items back in. Worldox will offer to replace the existing copy with your own, add as a new version or discard your copy and revert to the original Worldox copy.
Should you inadvertently edit your OneDrive copy while working in office with Worldox available, you’ll see a helpful prompt asking where you want your changes saved – to Worldox or to your Remote Document Save Location – OneDrive.
For more information about using documents remotely outside of Worldox or if you have questions about enabling these features, contact us any time by calling 877-676-5492 or request a consultation.