June 29, 2022

Join us for ILTACON 2022

The International Legal Technology Association Conference (ILTACON) is a four-and-a-half-day conference with comprehensive peer-driven programs, educational content, and face-to-face networking. Industry experts and the legal community collaborate to discover and evolve successful legal operation strategies for today’s transforming legal industry.   

The educational program includes a variety of topics and trends developed by co-chairs and experienced ILTA members in formats to meet a variety of learning styles that include learning pathways, panel discussions, hands-on training, and attendee-driven sessions. You can view the conference agenda at https://www.iltacon.org/agenda/overview 

This year’s conference will be held at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland on August 21-25, 2022. Early registration is still underway and it’s one conference you don’t want to miss out on! 

This year, Affinity is taking our involvement with ILTA and ILTACON to the next level. Our managing partner, Debbie Foster, is participating as a member of the ILTA Conference Committee and will be the keynote speaker at the ILTA Women Who Lead series on June 29, 2022. In addition, every year at ILTACON they hold a dedicated track for the chief information and chief technology officers of the largest law firms in the world called the G100 and G200. Affinity is a proud sponsor of the G100 lunch this year. 

When you’re at ILTACON be sure to visit Affinity Consulting in booth #210. This year the theme of the opening reception is ‘Heroes’ and we chose first responders, in particular firefighters, to honor one of our own (Dan Arntsen) who has been a volunteer firefighter for 16 years. Every sticker we give away at ILTACON feeds a firefighter. Our goal is to give away 500 stickers and donate 500 lunches to local firefighters. We encourage everyone that stops by our booth to tag their own local firefighters so they can be included in the list of stations to receive the lunches. 

We can’t wait to see you at ILTACON!