February 25, 2020

NetDocuments Training: NetDocuments Update Schedule

One of the biggest benefits of using a cloud-based document management system becomes apparent when it is time to update the software.  With a traditional in-house DMS system, you will need to plan for downtime, make sure your servers meet the new minimum specs, and push out the software to each desktop and laptop, assuming your laptop users remember to bring them to the office and leave them plugged in and turned on.

With a cloud-based DMS like NetDocuments, you do not need to worry about any of that.  Updates are released in smaller, bite-sized doses that often require little training.  NetDocuments takes care of the update, and then the next time your users log-in they will simply be working within the new version.  Many times, web updates happen without your users even being aware of the change, and with no downtime.

NetDocuments publishes its web update schedule for everyone to see, including what the update will bring.  You can find that published here.

I recommend clicking the Follow button on the title of the document so that you will always know when a new update is in the works.

Web refereshes follow botton

While the web refreshes are fairly invisible to end-users, you will need to periodically update your locally installed NetDocuments integration pieces such as ndOffice, ndClick, and ndSync.  Below you will find the current stable version that Affinity Consulting recommends, as of 2/25/2020:

Software Name

Current Stable Version



ndClick for Windows




ndThread for Windows


ndSync for Windows



If you need any assistance in updating these NetDocuments add-ins or have any other document management questions, please contact the Document Management Team at Affinity by calling 877-676-5492, or simply request a consultation. 

