Need to redact sensitive information from a PDF? Too many headlines feature legal professionals who did not redact properly. Get it right with Adobe Acrobat Professional’s redaction tool.
Watch the video to see it in action!
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First, save a copy of your PDF. Once you finalize redactions, they can’t be undone. You don’t want to save over your only unredacted copy of your PDF accidentally.
Then, open the Redaction toolbar. Search your tools for “redact” to find it fast. Then set your redaction properties. You can change the color of the redaction or add overlay text.
Once your properties are set, it’s time to mark your PDF for redaction. Use your cursor to select the text to be redacted. A red box will appear around any text that’s marked for redaction. Hover your cursor over the box to preview the redaction.
After you’ve marked all of your redactions, it’s time to apply the redactions. Once applied, you will not be able to undo any redactions. The removal of the redacted content is permanent as soon as you hit save.
If you are interested in more training videos, or if you’re ready to create a culture of training in your organization, discover all that Affinity Insight has to offer. Or, if you have any questions about redacting documents with Adobe Acrobat, contact us at 877-676-5492 or request a consultation. Our team of experts is ready to help!