April 23, 2021

Retention Policies and Archiving with Worldox

Worldox is here to assist with wrangling the giant paper stampede that daily thunders its way through your organization. You may already be maximizing the robust indexing, saving and searching capabilities that Worldox brings to bear on your organization’s paper rodeo, but were you aware that Worldox also contains a solution for dealing with the documents that have run their course and are no longer required to be kept, or according to some jurisdictions must be destroyed? Let’s talk archiving and retention strategies though Worldox.

Document Retention and Worldox

With Worldox, you gain the ability to create custom document retention policies that can be applied across the range of criteria inherent in Worldox metadata. Indeed, Worldox document retention rules can be crafted to fit the needs of your organization.

Archiving and Retention

Available through the WDADMIN module, archiving options provide the ability to create custom locations to store and archive documents that are no longer required in the main document storage location. An organization can create a set of criteria for documents (Client ID, Time since last modification, etc.) that when met, will trigger Worldox to automatically archive these documents. Once archived, access to the archive can be limited through the Worldox Group Security module. Configurating a secondary location allows your organization to off-load the archived documents into a domain-connected NAS for instance), thus freeing up space on your primary storage location.

Beyond the Automation that can be implemented through the Worldox Administrator Utility, firms can also grant users rights to manually archive files or matters on an ad-hoc basis, for more granular management.

Retention – Define and Automate

In addition to the automated or manual archival process, Worldox provides an even deeper level of retention policies that can be defined to fit almost any criteria available within the metadata associated with every document added to Worldox.

For example: A rule to identify any document within a specified client file for which no modifications have been made in over 2 years and automatically move it to the archive location. A second rule is added such that same document criteria is unmodified for an additional 2 years; it will be marked for deletion from the system. Firms can also leverage the Scheduled Events options within the Worldox Indexer to fully automate processing all documents which fit the pre-defined criteria. Once this schedule is set, the Worldox Indexer takes care of the rest.

Worldox Bespoke also provides access to the Bulk Archive Utility which allows for more flexibility to manipulate a large amount of archival process at once from a centralized utility.

For more information on archiving and document retention strategies or if you’d like to learn more about a document management solution from Affinity Consulting Group that is right for your organization, please contact the Document Management Team at Affinity by calling 877-676-5492, or simply request a consultation.