One of the most significant selling points for NetDocuments is how the platform meets you where you work to enable a mobile workforce.
This became a critical area as everyone has been forced to work from home. For those that periodically or frequently worked from home previously, they were more prepared to continue working via a company laptop or another remote access method (ex. published desktops). However, many folks were put in a situation where they did not have an established method and needed to rely on their home computers. What are the biggest concerns when using a home computer? In addition, how can you enable secure collaboration with a client or other party when they may also be working from a home computer?
Home computers…
- may not have appropriate security or antivirus software installed and maintained, and may already be infected with malware, spyware or a virus
- may not have the necessary software installed to complete the actual work (ex. MS Office), and may not meet the requirements even to install that software if licensed and available
- are likely not using encrypted storage to protect any local data as required by your clients’ security policies
- are not managed to provide any retention controls
- will not be consistent from user to user for your IT team to support
While it is not ideal or often recommended to work from a home computer, NetDocuments does provide the means to do so without putting your data at risk. How is this possible?
- NetDocuments integrates with Single Sign-On (SSO) and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) providers to protect user credentials and remove exposure to brute force password hacking
- NetDocuments provides embedded controls through echoing restrictions and Data Loss Prevention (DLP) to keep data off your home computer
- NetDocuments empowers users to get work done via web applications, including:
- Support for the most popular web browsers as a primary, and consistent, user interface that is available on any device
- Integration with MS Office online apps to enable creating, editing and even co-editing content without any locally installed applications
- Email filing from web apps using linked folders or the predictive power of ndMail for Office 365
- A rich, high-fidelity viewing experience even when no other applications are installed locally using the SmartView previewer
- Automatic OCR processing of text-based images using NetDocuments OCR to fully uncover your data without any additional scanning equipment or software
- Powerful web-based collaboration with other parties using Secure Links and CollabSpaces while still preventing content from leaving the NetDocuments platform
As you can see, NetDocuments can provide a fully functional and secure work environment, even from a home computer!
If you need any assistance with using NetDocument in your remote work environment or have any document management questions, please contact the Document Management Team at Affinity by calling 877-676-5492, or simply request a consultation.