As no doubt some have noticed, ndOffice has a new version, 2.5, so let’s look at what’s new with this version.
Should you upgrade
In a word, yes. Bottom line, is version 2.5 worth updating your installation of ndOffice? We at Affinity Consulting have several client sites running ndOffice 2.5 on a variety of platforms and have found it to be stable and a worthy upgrade.
The standouts of this release are the ability to search subfolders and the addition of email-oriented features in the Activity List right-click menu. Also, there are several other user and administrative level updates.
New User Feature – Locked Documents
With this version of ndOffice, documents can now be locked to prevent changing the document. Once a document is locked, you cannot edit the document’s content, change the metadata, add or remove versions, or edit version information. What you can do to a locked document includes opening in read-only mode, opening as a new document, email a link to the document or a copy of the document, print the document, or view the profile details.
The fact that ndOffice now supports locked documents is in anticipation of that feature being turned on in the web version of NetDocuments sometime in May of 2019.
New Administrative Feature
From an administrative standpoint, there are now three new registry keys which can be used to improve the overall loading speed of Outlook with the ndOffice integration. Details of those keys and their options will be listed at the end of this article.
Improved Features
In addition to the new features, ndOffice 2.5 also improves on several existing features:
Searching, Sorting, Columns & Security Templates
Advanced searching in ndOffice now includes the ability to include subfolders in your search. Note that the same 20 subfolder restriction applies to the ndOffice advanced search, just as it does in the web version. Also, when sorting by columns in the ndOpen or ndSave dialogs, the entire contents of the container are sorted rather than just the current page. ndOffice also now supports the “Do not copy” Flag for profile attributes, just as the web version of NetDocuments does. Finally, security templates have been improved and users can now have up to 16 security templates.
Email Improvements
Enhancements to the email features in ndOffice 2.5 include the addition of the ndAttach button when forwarding a meeting request. Additionally, in the ndAttach dialog and the Save attachment dialog, you can now view the email-related columns, such as Email From, Email To, etc. They also improved the right-click menu in the Activity Center listing. You can now choose Reply, Reply All and Forward, directly from the activity center rather than having to open the email first.
Fixed Issues
Of course, every update to ndOffice also addresses issues found in the previous version. ndOffice 2.5 addresses the following issues:
- Fixed an issue where documents and emails were not saving to ND due to a conflict.
- Fixed an issue where Adobe Acrobat 2019 closed before completely saving to ND, causing an error.
- Fixed an issue where saving a PDF locally prevented the document from checking in to ND.
- Fixed an issue where the ListView incorrectly indicated that there were more documents.
- Fixed an issue where an error appeared if you tried to save documents in the offline mode.
- Fixed an issue where a user with more than one Exchange account could not Send and File when forwarding an email.
- Fixed an issue where filing an email into ND with a long note attribute failed.
- Fixed an issue where emails with many recipients could not be saved in ND.
- Fixed an issue where selecting a closed matter in the workspace selector had problems validating the workspace if the matter was selected without a client.
Administrative Registry Key Info
Three new registry keys control the startup options of the ndOffice add-in for Outlook:
Path: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareNetVoyageNetDocuments
Name: OutlookFilterMode
Type: REG_SZ (string value)
Possible values: Restrict, Find, Iterate
Default value: Iterate (fastest)
What it does: Identifies search method for scanning Sent Items folder
Path: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareNetVoyageNetDocuments
Name: OutlookFilterItemsCountThreshold
Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD (32-bit) value)
Possible values: Numbers greater than 0
Default value: 1000
What it does: Sets maximum items to be checked (works ONLY with “Iterate” setting)
Path: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareNetVoyageNetDocuments
Name: OutlookFilterItemsAgeThreshold
Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD (32-bit) value)
Possible values: Numbers greater than 0
Default value: 180
What it does: Sets maximum age of items to be checked (works with all search methods)
For more information about Version 2.5 for ndOffice or legal electronic content management in general, just contact us at 877-676-5492 or request a consultation.