January 15, 2020

Worldox Training – What Worldox Flavor is Best for Your Firm?

An investigation of offerings.

The software market, regardless of industry focus, is positively bristling with options to introduce or enhance mobility options for end-users. World Software, for whom mobility has been at the forefront of their development roadmap for many years, is no different. To wit, as a leader in the Legal Technology realm, Worldox has 4 architectural variants of their core Worldox Document Management Solution (DMS) product – all of which provide innovative options for providing rapid and secure mobility solutions. Affinity Consulting has vast experience with all of these offerings and would like to provide our friends and clients a summary of those offerings as we all take the first steps into the new decade.

Worldox Professional

Worldox Professional is the product that is most recognizable to those of you who have used or seen “Worldox”. Installed and maintained on your own servers and network infrastructure, it is one of the most trusted terrestrial DMS in the legal technology sphere. In their most recent release, World Software has integrated a number of new features into this, their standard offering, including their new Worldox Web 3.0 and Advanced Email Integration utilities. Web 3.0 is a complete reimagining of how the Worldox Web Client is installed, configured and deployed to users. The Web and iOS App interfaces have been completely overhauled and provide a simplified and enhanced user experience.


Worldox WAN

Worldox WAN is deployed to a central “Home” server, and then multiple satellite instances of the Worldox system are installed at your remote offices, all linked together via your WAN network in a hub and spoke type architecture. Each Worldox “office” runs its own Indexer and contains its own databases referencing its local cabinets and data, however users can search across other Worldox office databases and access documents from other cabinets. The key to this type of deployment is to have a fast/robust WAN backbone.This offering is a hybridized version of Worldox that is optimized for Wide-Area Networks to leverage Worldox across multiple locations. Newly introduced Worldox Indexer architecture provides improved tools for maintaining and updating WAN environments running multiple Worldox Indexers.

Worldox Cloud

If you wish to eschew terrestrial server infrastructure entirely and fully embrace the cloud, Worldox Cloud is the answer for you. This system frees you from the necessity of maintaining an on-site Worldox server installation. This solution utilizes a hosted server structure powered by Rackspace OpenStack infrastructure. Rackspace is an industry-recognized solution which features multiple validations and certifications for encryption and security. Worldox Cloud precludes the necessity of potentially costly hardware acquisition or rehabilitation, in favor of an entirely hosted environment that provides a secure and encrypted connection to your data wherever you have access to the internet. All this comes at an industry competitive price including online and phone support.

Worldox Enterprise

Worldox Enterprise is an on-prem version of Worldox Cloud, and is typically deployed in conjunction with the traditional Worldox Professional product. Local office users will use Worldox Professional client, while satellite office or remote users will use the Worldox Enterprise “WDSaas” client to connect back to the central Worldox system. Worldox Enterprise leverages Microsoft RDS published application technology and a patented sideband technology that deliver the same feature rich DMS experience as Worldox Professional to remote users, without being tethered to a WAN or LAN.


Affinity Consulting Group boasts decades of combined Worldox experience and is a member of the elite Inner Circle group, as designated by World Software Corporation. If you would like to discuss any of these exciting Worldox offerings with our team, please contact Affinity’s Document Management Team by calling 877-676-5492, or request a consultation and we’ll be happy to help. 

