October 19, 2016

Worldox Tips: Archiving in Worldox

While the actual process for archiving your files in Worldox is quite easy, as we will demonstrate below, you will need to make sure that as a firm, you have a well thought-out policy on how to handle the archiving of your documents.

A couple of items to consider when developing an archive plan for your firm.

  • Who will be responsible for archiving your files?
  • How long does a matter need to be marked closed or inactive before it gets archived?
  • Who is responsible for closing and marking matters inactive, so they get archived?
  • What location will be used as your long term archive storage?
  • Do you want your archived files readily available for instant retrieval?
  • When do you archive, as the matters are closed or at the end of each year?
  • Do you want a manual archiving process or an automated archiving process?

While the list above is not a complete list of concerns. You can see there are many things to consider when developing an archiving process. We here at Affinity Consulting, are always willing and able to assist you with developing an archiving plan. Now, let’s discuss how to manually archive your files in Worldox.

1.) In the cabinet properties page, in WDADMIN, you need to set your default archive location for each cabinet. You can leave this as the default location, shown below, however if space is a concern this is where you would point your archived files to a different location.


2.) You next need to identify the matters or files that need archived. If you choose to mark your matters inactive, to identify them as ready for archiving, you will need to access the matter table and click the edit button to then mark your selected matter inactive.

3.) Once the decided upon time has passed and it is now time to archive your files, you will use direct access. Select your client and then click on the matter button and choose show inactive matters. This will show you a list of your inactive matters. Select you matter and choose OK.

4.) Once you are in a list of files, inside of your inactive matter. First you will select all of the files that you want to archive. Then once the files are selected you will right click and choose Archive>Move to Archive. This will move your files to the archive location you chose in the cabinet administration area.

5.) Finding archived files after they have been moved to the archive location is a simple process. The first step is to open the search template that corresponds with the location you archived the file from such as a client cabinet or the library cabinet. Once the search template is up you will click on the search what button and select “Archive” This will then direct your search terms to look in the archive area.

For more information and tips about Worldox, contact info@affinityconsulting.com or request a consultation.
