Affinity University has proven to be a great asset for law firms and legal departments everywhere, but what’s next for this on-demand, unlimited training platform in 2020?
Quiz Me!
Course Managers, we’re adding quizzes! Lessons added to AU in 2020 will now include short quizzes to test your students on their new skills! The quizzes will be in the Quiz Section of each course curriculum and will be included with each course assignment.
Upload Your Content
You asked for it – you got it! Coming soon, Course Managers will be able to upload firm-specific content for their students. If you have your own lessons that are required viewing for your firm or legal department, you’ll be able to deliver that content via the AU platform. Your center for one stop learning!
Training in 2020:
Training seems to always be the last thing on everyone’s mind — maybe that’s why it’s broken. Affinity is hosting a webinar to talk about training and why the current way we do it (IF we do it) is broken in so many firms.
Did you know?
- After ONE DAY, trainees forget 70% of what they learned in training.
- After SIX DAYS, trainees forget 75% of what they learned in training.
- 75% of managers are dissatisfied with their training results.
- Only 12% of trainees apply what they learn to their job.
- Only 25% of respondents to a recent McKinsey study think their training programs improved organizational performance.
Join us on December 12 for Training is Broken: How to Fix It in 2020! During this quick 30-minute webinar, we will share what we have discovered in working with countless law firms of varying sizes, all across the country on the successes and mishaps of their training initiatives and give you some suggestions on how to think differently about training in 2020. We will also introduce you to Affinity Insight ― a program we have developed to help you solve the training challenge. Think of it as an “EASY BUTTON” to get your training needs met in 2020.
Watch for more updates to AU coming in 2020. In the meantime, if you have any questions about Affinity University, Course Manager or training legal professionals in general, contact us. You can reach us at 877-676-5492, or simply request a consultation.