How often have you thought to yourself, “There has to be a better way?”
And then, in a hurry to get your work done, you continue to do it the way you’ve always done it. It’s easy to feel like you never have enough time to learn something new. Yet, learning more efficient methods is exactly what will give you more time back in your day. And, let’s face it – in the light of this forced introspection and evaluation of existing processes and workflows, there has never been a better time than now!
The good news is that small efforts quickly snowball into greater results much faster than many people expect. Start by creating a running list of tasks that frustrate you, those that leave you thinking there must be a better way. Add to the list throughout your day as it occurs to you. Soon, you’ll have a list of things on which to focus.
Once you have a list, organize it in priority order. The highest priority items should be tasks you frequently perform that you believe training can solve. The frustration related to generating a table of contents in Word is much easier to resolve with training than your annoyance with heavy traffic on your commute.
Once you know your priorities, set aside a small amount of time every day to focus on training. Even five minutes a day can grow into something great. If you only have five minutes, find an Affinity University video to help with a priority item. Break the video up over multiple days if necessary. Once you’ve watched the video, spend your five minutes practicing until you’ve mastered your new skill.
Soon, your new skills will result in frequent tasks taking less time – giving you more time for learning. Capitalize on your new found time (even if it’s just another five minutes a day) by further educating yourself. The benefits of learning something will continue to compound, making tomorrow less frustrating than yesterday – along with the bonus of taking advantage of the extra time you may have right now.
If you have any questions about prioritizing your “better way” list, building a culture of learning at your firm/organization or about the Affinity Insight training platform, contact us at 877-676-5492, or request a consultation.