March 10, 2021

Take Advantage of Everything Your PDF Editing Software Offers

Last December, we promised to bring you suggested resolutions to help you keep your training goals on track and make your days runs smoother. This month learn to take advantage of everything your PDF editing software offers – allowing you to reduce paper and work more efficiently.

Note, that if you are using a free PDF reader, it probably lacks the features discussed here. I highly recommend upgrading to professional PDF editing software. While Adobe Acrobat has gone to a subscription model with DC, they now include the ability to send documents out for e-signature as part of your monthly fee. Foxit Phantom PDF and Kofax Power PDF are two great alternatives that you can buy outright.

1. Annotate

All too often, we print documents to mark them up by hand. Chances are high that your PDF editing software has annotation tools built in to allow you to add comments, highlight text, draw shapes, and more. Save paper and reduce clutter on your desk by marking up digitally.

2. Combine Documents

You don’t have to print and scan multiple documents together to create a single PDF. Use your PDF editing software to combine documents electronically. Most PDF editing programs have a thumbnail or pages panel where you can drag and drop pages from one PDF to another. Otherwise, you can use the add pages or create a new PDF from multiple documents feature (often found in the thumbnail/pages panel or the file menu). Another option is to select multiple documents in File Explorer, right-click, and combine using your PDF software.

3. Redact Properly

If you ever need to redact a document, it is critical you do it properly. All too often, lawyers end up in the news for accidentally disclosing information that was improperly redacted. Many PDF editing programs have two versions – a professional version and a standard version. The difference between them often lies in the software’s ability to properly redact and bates number. If the tool you are using isn’t labeled redaction, it isn’t the right way.

Often found on a protection or security ribbon, proper redaction takes two steps. First, mark the PDF for redaction. Then, apply the redaction. When a redaction is properly applied, it burns a digital hole in the document. No matter what software someone has, they won’t be able to recover the content that was redacted.

Want to see PDF tools in action? Affinity Insight offers members training videos on these topics and more for Adobe Acrobat, Foxit PhantomPDF, and Kofax/Nuance Power PDF.

Reaching your goals in 2021 Is possible and we’re here to help! Affinity can help you craft achievable, carefully considered objectives along with sharing strategic, time-saving efficiency tips like these to help you and your firm reach them. Contact us any time to get started at 877-676-5492, or request a consultation.