Check out this quick video tip about Word Options from the Affinity Insight course live training session focused on Customizing Word!
Did you know that Microsoft Word doesn’t check the spelling of uppercase words by default? Do you ever get frustrated when trying select text in Microsoft Word? Does it ever seem like Word takes control of your mouse and selects what it wants when it wants? Learn how to change some of the settings in Microsoft Word that drive us all a little crazy! (Text version below.)
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Spell Check
Pleading titles, articles titles, and other words typed in all-caps are not spellchecked, and Word default settings provide no warning to the end user.
Changing this setting is easy, once you know where to look. However, every time you install Word (typically when receiving a new computer), you need to change this setting. To change this setting, open the File menu, and click on Options. Under the Proofing options, uncheck the box for “Ignore words in UPPERCASE.” Click OK, and you’re done.
Mouse Control
Microsoft has built “smart” selection options into Word, giving Word control over what is selected. If this drives you crazy, you’re not alone.
Take back control over your mouse with a few easy setting changes. Like the spellcheck setting, you must make these setting changes every time. To make these changes, open the File menu, and click on Options. Under the Advanced options, uncheck the boxes for:
- When selecting, automatically select entire Word,
- Use smart paragraph selection, and
- Use smart cursoring.
Click OK when you’re done making the changes, and you’re good to go.
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