Anyone trying to collaborate on Word documents needs to master tracked changes. Tracked changes are a digital red line: instead of marking up papers with a red pen, Word tracks the changes as you make them, creating a digital markup.
Check out this quick video tip about tracking changes in Microsoft Word from the Affinity Insight course live training session on Microsoft Word – Reviewing and Revising.
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Turn on Tracked Changes
Start by turning on tracked changes. On the Review ribbon, click on the top half of the Track Changes button. As you add or delete text, Word will automatically red-line it. Deletions will be struck-through, and additions will be underlined.
Markup Views
There are four markup options in Word: All Markup, Simple Markup, No Markup, and Original. All Markup shows changes as you’d expect. Simple Markup makes it appear as though changes were accepted and shows a red line in the left margin wherever changes were made. No Markup is the same as Simple Markup, except that there is no line indicating where changes were made. Original appears as though all changes were rejected.
Be careful when using any view other than All Markup. It is easy to forget that there are tracked changes, and you may inadvertently share the document without accepting or rejecting all changes. Even if you share the document while viewing as No Markup or Original, your recipient can still access the tracked changes.
Markup Options
To turn off formatting markup, which can be very distracting, uncheck Formatting under the Show Markup dropdown.
To see markup from only certain individuals, under the Show Markup dropdown, select from the list of Specific People.
To change how the markup appears – including different colors for different people, click on the Tracking launcher (the arrow in the bottom right-hand corner of the Tracking group). Click on the Advanced Options button. These settings are unique to you – those you share the tracked changes with may have other settings applied.
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