May 25, 2022

Business Development Bootcamp Series

Delight your clients, increase your productivity, and set the stage for long-term financial success with our new Business Development Bootcamp. 

Taught by our Director of Strategic Consulting, Wendy Merrill, this bootcamp is designed specifically for lawyers. Associates, partners, practice group leaders, and firm business development and marketing professionals will learn the skills and methods necessary to generate profitable business in a changing legal landscape. Join Wendy for one or all three sessions for the proven strategies and tactics to grow your firm.  

Here is what you can gain from each model when you attend:  

Module 1: The Basics | June 15, 2022 | 1pm EST 

  • Business Development vs. Sales vs. Marketing  
  • The importance of branding  
  • Who ARE you and WHY do you do what you do?  
  • Firm branding: WHAT does your firm stand for, WHY does it exist, and WHO are its clients?  
  • Perfecting your pitch: how to successfully engage people by using the right words 

 Module 2: The Application | July 7, 2022 | 1pm EST 

  • Networking for lawyers – a real-world and practical approach  
  • Grow your reach, build your bench, and cultivate fans in a way that is comfortable and enjoyable  
  • Different types of networking – what works for you?  
  • In-person meetings and events  
  • Virtual meetings  
  • Using social media to network from your laptop or phone  
  • Creating and cultivating strategic relationships inside and outside the firm  

Module 3: Implementation and Metrics | August 16, 2022 | 1pm EST 

  • Goal setting  
  • Creating a customized and measurable plan that is suited to your comfort level and firm expectations  
  • Accountability and metrics  
  • Budgeting: money and time  
  • Creating and encouraging a firm-wide focus on origination  

Affinity translates your goals into concrete, realistic solutions and timelines. Our proven planning and change management techniques help you harness the power of positive change to delight your clients and turn your team into passionate advocates for organizational transformation. If we can help, don’t hesitate to contact us at 877-676-5492 or request a consultation.